Portuguese for Foreigners

Cursos para Adultos

Aprenda Português no Brasil

Learning Portuguese in Brazil

A course for foreigners or expatriates who will work or are currently working in Brazil and need to communicate in Portuguese in the workplace or with clients.

Cursos de português para estrangeiros ou expatriados que trabalham atualmente no Brasil e precisam adquirir ou melhorar o comando da língua portuguesa.


Perguntas Frequentes

Portuguese lessons: a plus for people doing business in Brazil

Any foreigner who has just moved to Brazil or is about to do so may need to acquire working knowledge of Portuguese. Mastering some Portuguese definitely sets foreigners apart, and inspires eager cooperation from peers, clients and suppliers.

Helping expatriates´ families get acquainted with the Brazilian culture

Expatriates who bring their family along, find great advantage in our Portuguese Courses for foreigners as more often than not, Summit´s Portuguese tutors become a reference for their dear ones. Not only do they learn Portuguese from Summit Teachers, but also pick up valuable hints as to how to sort things out and get the most of their stay in São Paulo.

Foreign university students in Brazil

To the university student planning to have an international experience in Brazil, some knowledge of Portuguese is a must.

One-on-one lessons or groups on demand

Our courses are taught on a one-to-one basis, but may be given to small groups on demand, especially for immersion programs.

Immersion Portuguese programs on demand

Summit holds immersion programs for foreigners who have a very short time to get working knowledge of Portuguese.

Eighty hours to get started

Any non-native speaker of a Latin language will need about 80 hours to acquire elementary knowledge of Portuguese structures. Another 400 hours will be necessary to obtain intermediate command of the language.

To native Spanish speakers, 80 hours may lead them to pre-intermediate level.

Classes venue

Classes may be held at the school, at the student’s home or work place, if in the city of Sao Paulo.

Portugueses Online classes

Portuguese online classes with native Brazilian teachers is a good strategy for those who need to become familiar with Portuguese before arriving in Brazil.

Click here to request more information about our Portuguese courses for foreigners.

  1. Falar português: uma ferramenta essencial para todo estrangeiro ou expatriado trabalhando no Brasil;
  2. Aulas ministradas ao vivo e online;
  3. Programas personalizados com duração de 1,5 a 8 horas por dia;
  4. São necessárias no mínimo 80 horas de instrução para adquirir conhecimento básico da língua portuguesa.

Book your course today!

Adult Language Courses

Tailor-made courses, from zero to advanced, for corporate employees, self-employed professionals or anyone else who wants to learn from the best language teachers: English, Spanish or Portuguese
Classes “In Company”, “At Summit” or “At Your Place”

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